Golden Retriever Grooming 101: Keeping That Coat Shiny

Golden retrievers are known for their beautiful, flowing coats that practically shimmer in the sunlight. But behind that glossy coat is a bit of upkeep! Proper grooming not only keeps your golden looking gorgeous but also helps maintain their overall health. Whether you’re a new golden retriever owner or just looking for tips to improve your grooming routine, this guide will walk you through the essentials of keeping your dog’s coat shiny and healthy.

1. Brushing: The Key to a Healthy Coat

Golden retrievers have a double coat, consisting of a soft undercoat and a longer, water-repellent outer coat. To keep it in top shape, regular brushing is a must! Brushing helps remove loose fur, prevents mats, and stimulates the natural oils in your dog's skin, which keeps the coat shiny.

How Often?

Ideally, you should brush your golden at least 3-4 times a week, though daily brushing is even better, especially during shedding season.

What to Use?

Use a slicker brush for the outer coat and a de-shedding tool for the undercoat. A metal comb can help work through any mats or tangles.

Tip: Pay extra attention to high-shedding areas like behind the ears, under the belly, and the back of the legs, where mats are more likely to form.

2. Bathing: How to Keep Your Golden Fresh and Clean

Golden retrievers don’t need frequent baths, but regular washing keeps them clean and their coats shiny. Overbathing can strip the natural oils from their skin, so be mindful of how often you bathe them.

How Often?

Bathe your golden retriever once every 4-6 weeks, or as needed if they get especially dirty or smelly. Too frequent bathing can dry out their skin.

What to Use?

Use a high-quality dog shampoo that’s designed for sensitive skin. Avoid human shampoos, which can upset your dog’s skin pH balance.

Tip: Always rinse thoroughly to ensure no shampoo is left behind, as residue can irritate the skin.

3. Trimming & Grooming the Coat

Though golden retrievers have long hair, they don’t require full haircuts. However, some areas of the coat can benefit from a light trim to keep them neat and comfortable.

Where to Trim?

Trim around the ears, feet, and tail to keep your dog looking tidy. The fur between their paw pads can grow long and cause slipping, so trim this regularly.

Tip: A professional groomer can help shape your golden’s feathering (the long fur on the legs, chest, and tail) to maintain a clean look.

4. Nail Clipping: Don’t Forget the Paws

Your golden’s nails need regular trimming to avoid overgrowth, which can lead to discomfort or even injury. Long nails can change the way your dog walks, causing joint stress.

How Often?

Nails should be trimmed every 2-3 weeks or as needed. If you hear a clicking sound when they walk on hard floors, it’s time for a trim.

Tip: If you’re nervous about cutting the nails too short, ask your vet or a professional groomer to show you how. Use a nail grinder for more precision.

5. Ears, Eyes, and Teeth: Complete Grooming Care

While brushing and bathing are essential, you can’t forget about the finer details, like ear, eye, and dental care.


Golden retrievers are prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears. Clean their ears once a week with a vet-approved ear cleaner to prevent buildup of wax and dirt.


Check your golden’s eyes regularly for discharge or redness. Gently clean around the eyes with a damp cloth to remove tear stains.


Regular brushing helps keep your dog’s teeth healthy and can prevent gum disease. Aim to brush their teeth several times a week, using a dog-safe toothpaste.

Tip: Dental chews can also help reduce plaque and tartar buildup between brushing sessions.

6. Managing Shedding: What to Expect

Golden retrievers are known for shedding—especially during the seasonal “coat blow” in the spring and fall. Regular grooming can help manage the shedding, but be prepared for some fur around the house.

How to Manage:

Brushing frequently is your best defense against shedding. Consider using a de-shedding tool during peak shedding seasons to remove excess undercoat fur.

Tip: Keep a lint roller handy for quick clean-ups on clothes and furniture!

7. Diet and Health: The Secret to a Shiny Coat

A shiny coat doesn’t just come from grooming—it’s also a reflection of your dog’s overall health. A well-balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality proteins can make a world of difference.

What to Feed:

Look for dog foods that include fish oils, flaxseed, or other sources of omega-3s, which promote a healthy coat and skin.

Tip: Talk to your vet about supplements like fish oil or coconut oil if you notice any skin dryness or dullness in your dog’s coat.

Final Thoughts

Golden retrievers are known for their stunning coats, but that beauty comes with responsibility. By staying on top of brushing, bathing, trimming, and regular grooming, you’ll keep your golden’s coat shiny, soft, and healthy. Not only will your dog look fabulous, but they’ll also feel great, inside and out!

Have questions about grooming or preparing for your golden retriever puppy? Contact us today for expert advice!


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